
Erich Fromm had it

"Doubletalk has become the rule in the free-enterprise countries, as well as among their opponents. The latter call dictatorship „people’s democracies,“ the former call dictatorships „freedom-loving people“ if they are political allies. Of the possibility of fifty million Americans being killed in an atomic attack, one speaks of the „hazards of war,“ and one talks of victory in a „showdown,“ when sane thinking makes it clear that there can be no victory for anyone in an atomic holocaust. Education, from primary to higher education, has reached a peak. Yet, while people get more education, they have less reason, judgment, and conviction. At best their intelligence is improved, but their reason-that is, their capacity to penetrate through the surface and to understand the underlying forces in individual and social life-is impoverished more and more. Thinking is increasingly split from feeling, and the very fact that people tolerate the threat of an atomic war hovering over all mankind, shows that modern man has come to a point where his sanity must be questioned. Man, instead of being the master of the machines he has built, has become their servant. But man is not made to be a thing, and with all the satisfactions of consumption, the life forces in man cannot be held in abeyance continuously. We have only one choice, and that is mastering the machine again, making production into a means and not an end, using it for the unfolding of man—or else the suppressed life energies will manifest themselves in chaotic and destructive forms. Man will want to destroy life rather than die of boredom." – Erich Fromm, Let Man Prevail


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